Homeopathic Medicines Resonate With Unconscious Part Of Human Psyche To Cure The Sickness And Morbidity.
The intuitive, inquiring mind of Heinemann dived so deep into the nature of disease and medicine that he gave the, hitherto, unknown paradigm of homoeopathy.The idea of spiritual or vital power permeating in matter and medicinal substances especially living plants was unheard of prior to Hahnemann.His intuitive intellect and penetrating insight visualized the power hidden in matter in dynamic form.Ever since the human imagination began to evolve symbols, myths and images to explain the mysteries and enigma of physical existence, the plant life has provided the essential and primordial symbols of nature and plants.
The primitive mind tried to solve the mysteries and enigma of physical existence by imparting magical powers to nature.In a endeavor to discover the solution of his diseases he selected certain plants to cure the sickness.The bark of cinchona tree was a wonderful discovery for curing malarial fever characterized by fever and chilliness.
What a medicine can cause it can cure.What a medicine can not cause it can not cure.Homoeopathy departs from modern school of medicine based on allopathic principle of dissimilarities in the very beginning.The material heavy doses can not affect a permanent solution of disease it only suppresses the disease symptoms.It hypothesizes that disease is on dynamic plane and only energy medicine has potential to affect an everlasting cure.Hahnemann in a way revolutionized the concept of medicine and understanding of medicine. More and more men engaged in real search of disease and its nature is in the process of believing that human disease is psychosomatic in nature.The disturbance is the emotional or psychic level and it’s being reflected on body. The extension of this idea may lead the medical men to the realm of unconscious.We have two unconscious.One is our individual unconscious the other is the collective unconscious.We can know the unconscious part of our psyche only through contents of the unconscious.The contents of the unconscious are archetypal images or image forms.These are the primordial pattern of human existence and behavior.The archetypes are not only fantasies of man but are the real but not concrete material entities.These archetypes may be called inherent patterns of disposition of mankind.We can app roach these archetypes through vision and dreams.The tiny sugar pills at which the skeptic jeer are not only pills of sugar but “capsules of energy”. Homoeopathic being a dynamic has potential to address the problems of man’s individual unconscious but his collective unconscious also.The unconscious is psychic reality.
When homoeopathic remedy is selected on the basis of similarity principle of disease and medicine, than the suppressed archetype in the unconscious is resonated by the archetypal energy medicine.The disease scattered in unconscious gets overlapped and diseased is liberated in mythic form, the deeply repressed archetypal images come alive in dreams and imagination.The suppressed feelings are given vent to into conscious memory.The remedy, the archetype, the myth, universal consciousness, psyche and disease are laid scattered in collective unconscious. No medicine except homoeopathy has the potential to reshape the “shadow” archetype of human beings.Stramonium, thuja and medorrhinum are medicines that had produced the symptom –complex most similar to archetypal shadow in their pathogenesis.These medicinal archetypes have the potential to approach the shadow archetype of unconscious