Search Of “inner Child” Is The Search Of “lost Self”
Our childhood beliefs, convictions, impositions, fixations/prejudices are the cause of our present pains, aches and sufferings.
Have we ever pondered that the real cause of our suffering or our present pains, aches and sufferings are deeply rooted in our childhood experiences.Our fears and anxieties are nothing but our lost experiences of nature.Mother Nature was nurturing and caring us in its own way but we have started to nurture and caring ourselves in our own fixed ways.
Be child like if not child but not childish ;all your beliefs, all your convictions, all your fixations, all your superstitions, all your prejudices will disappear as darkness disappears when light comes.Don’t fight with darkness as our enemy but only bring light in our lives.The darkness will go.Darkness is our heredity.
Shed your convictions, shed your fixations, shed your impositions, shed your fixed religious beliefs, shed your notions, shed your whims and shed everything that is binding you to something that is encircling you that is compelling you to do something.This “something” is nothing but our well knit value pattern or pattern of our beliefs and convictions.This is the rigidity of our thinking and of our behavior.
We have become rigid and fixed in behaving others.The elasticity or naturalness has gone from our lives. We have so strong fixed ideas that none can break these.I see everyman fixed in something.Some are fixed in sex.Some are fixed in health.Some are fixed in food.Some are fixed in wealth.Some are fixed in religions. Some are fixed in ethics.Some are fixed in knowledge.None is from fixed ideas. These ideas our real cause of human suffering.Fixed ideas are nothing but the fixity of your ego to something.These are shackles of our soul.These are our bondages.Our mind has become fixed.
The human fixations in the past few decades have grown tremendously. These have become bigger than our selves.We have become very small in the face of these fixations.Our fixations are nothing but our repressed sexual instincts.We imposed our religious beliefs on them.We imposed our ethic ideas and models on them.Now these in turn have become polluted. The naturalness of our instincts has gone.Like us our instincts have become unnatural. The” unnaturalness” has given birth to perversion.The modern man is full of perversions.Perversions are nothing but the deviations of our most natural instincts from their normal path of gratification.These are impositions imposed on us thrust on us by others to limit us to make us captive.See towards your “inner child” the child that is innocent, the child that is light, the child that is knowledge, the child that is as natural as nature, the child that is not polluted like us, the child that is pure consciousness, the child that is pure white. This “inner child” we have lost somewhere in world of knowledge and vanity.Let us try to find this “inner child” but not outside within us.It is hiding in your unconscious.
Our inner child has grown intellectual.It has grow wicked not vain.Its innocence is lost somewhere in the darkness and crowd of the world.Our inner child has become lonely.We have snatched the mother of this inner child.It is weeping but we are not seeing.We are not attending to it. It is demanding love but we have no time.We are not caring it.We do not love it.This inner child is our essence our substance, our being.
The way we used to work, the way we used to react, the way we used to feed.The way we used to reciprocate. We have lost this innocent way of working and imposed everything on our inner child.We have started working in fixed ways, the ways we have devised for our safety.But in the process of protection we have grown more fearful, more impatient and anxious.