Homeopathic Treatment Of Guilt

Teat your guilt with homoeopathic-energy
Homeopathic Treatment of Guilt
Source - http://www.askdrshah.com/depression.aspx

Guilt and humanity :-

Guilt is in the very nature of man. It will not be wrong or exaggeration if I say man is guilt and guilt is man. Both these terms are interchangeable and synonymous. The descent of man on earth from Garden of Eden is because of guilt. When man embraced lust by the seduction of snake, guilt was produced and he is exiled or alienated from Garden of Eden. Guilt is eternal punishment meted out to Adam and eve by Almighty. “The tree of knowledge of good and evil” in Garden of Eden is symbolic representation of eternal guilt

inherent in man’s nature and temperament. The eating of forbidden fruit of tree of knowledge produces tremendous guilt and shame in the minds of Adam and eve. The roots of guilt are explicitly present in the mythological story of Adam and eve.

What is guilt  :-

  It is Anxiety of conscience. It is strong negative emotion of mind of having done something undefined or wrong. Anxiety of conscience as if guilty of crime. The sufferer feels as if he or she had done something wrong which is not pardonable and excusable. He goes on suffering intense pain and agony in his mind. It is feeling of remorse or regent. The person feels constantly remorseful. Self reproach is the hallmark of guilt. The victim is apt to live in past or dwell on past events of his life. The guilt extracts its energy by churning disagreeable occurrences/ events. The victim in pessimism goes on brooding the past life and events.

 Guilt is strong negative emotion or energy. Once it creeps in mind it can not be annihilated. The dominant school of medicine prescribes sedative drugs and tranquilizers to alleviate the acute symptoms of fear, anxiety and depression. As against the homoeopathic medicine is pure energy capable to cure this mental psychosis. When the negative energy of medicine (medicinal archetype) meets the negative energy of psyche, thus negative energy of mind is overlapped by the similar energy of medicine, the guilt is eradicated and man is cured. The stronger homoeo medicine similar to the guilt symptoms produces harmony and homeostasis in the chaotic and disturbed psyche of the victim.  

Aurum met  :-

Aurum met is energy derived from gold by its trituation. The dynamic powers or energy of gold are derived from inert gold. Depression of spirits, melancholy, longing for death are leading symptoms of the energy. Duty is theme of aurum met. The psyche of the patient constantly pricks and pinches the person for the neglect ion of duty. The person becomes meticulous and fastidious in th execution of his duty. He has constant regret as if he has not done his duty or the duty failed him. The neglect ion of duty tortures his conscience.  The person feels as if he had sinned away the day of grace, sinned away his life. The religious despair leads her to suicidal thoughts and suicide.

Ignatia  :-

The ignatia patient responds hysterically to her guilt feelings. The guilt feelings are contradictory in nature. The more she broods or ponders over past life or event the more she feels tortured and tormented. It is energy of volatile mood and contradictory conflicts. Emotional conflicts and contradictions mar the essence of psyche of this energy. The dark guilt haunts and follows the victim .sobbing and sighing is the valuable symptom of Ignatia. She is in constant weeping mood not ameliorated by comforts or consolation.  Her sad mood becomes darker when someone tries to solace or pacify her, she bursts into sobbing tears on consolation.

Nat Mur :-

 Nat Mur is energy derived from table salt or sodium chloride by the process of dynamisation. The dynamisation is the process of liberating the inert and hidden powers of substance contained in the matter. There is decided wanting/deficiency of sodium chloride in the blood of patient. There is irresistible urge or yearning for salt in the mind of the patient.  It is chronic of Ignatia. The Nat Mur patient

is sad, depressed and taciturn disposed to silent weeping. There is history of grief and sorrow in the life of the patient. The guilt of Nat Mur is born out of relationship problems. Nat Mur lady is passionate and romantic and she constantly feels deceived in her love affair or love relationship. She is offended easily and has great resentment against the person who offends her sublime and romantic feelings of love and romance. She has constant dreams of thieves. She searches the whole house for thieves when awakened from a dream.  She feels cheated and thieved. She is apt to brood and dwell on past disagreeable events.  She has deep sense of guilt. She passes judgment that she is responsible for the breaking of relationship and now she must suffer for that folly. She is very zealous and passionate in her love relationship. 

 Thuja :-

The Thuja person is very secretive, passionate and addicted to the dark side of human life. He is fixated in his notions and convictions. He is very frail and fragile within but tries to cover up his dark side by masquerading. He lives a dual life. He is always in the process of pretensions. To hide his illicit behavior he constantly makes lame excuses and hides things. He is manipulator pare excellence. He knows how to manage things and circumstances in his favor. Though apparently good looking, gentle and naive but from his heart he is narcissist. He is always lost in his own whims. Thuja is most insecure person on earth. He is very cautious and alert in his behavior. He knows to do the illicit things meticulously not leaving any thing to chance so that he maybe caught. He is possessive and demanding person.


Thuja is embodiment of the true sycotic personality in an attempt to cover up his deficiencies he may be very perfectionist in behavior. He is always driven by his inner insecurities, fears and anxieties. Sexual guilt is the main theme of the Thuja personality. He tries to hide his illicit sexual relationships and depravities of his character from the public view by bearing a mask of righteousness, honesty and piousness. Thuja has divided self and he lives two personalities throughout his life. His inner conscience has high sense of right or wrong. From within he always feels guilty of his conduct but goes on covering it cleverly. One day his mask is torn the true thuja personality comes to the fore that is ugly and dirty. On this occasion thuja person becomes victim of guilty. Now his sexual guilt torments him day and night. The longer he has kept his dark side of his psyche away from public view the longer he suffers from guilt feelings.

Staphisagria :-

 The staphsagria personality is very mild and yielding. He is coward in the sense that he can not face life and its challenges. He is not assertive at all. He goes on repressing his emotions. He can not give vent to his feelings. He is people pleaser. He is in constant danger of rejection. He can not antagonize the people around. He can not afford to annoy the people.  But the suppressed emotions erupt in outburst of anger like a volcano eruption. The guilt of staphisagria revolves around sexual matters like masturbation guilt. The staphisagria in a bid to alleviate his guilt feelings becomes very aggressive at times.     

Article Written By ANANDBLISS

professor of psychology and parapsychology and writing on issues concerning human nature and illness

Last updated on 29-07-2016 7K 0

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